Tuesday 3 May 2016

Glorious Dresses!

I am really thrilled at how these dresses have turned out!
I have a whole range of dresses heading to a cute new boutique that is opening up locally.
It will be fantastic when they are in a store and people will be able to see them in the flesh. The photos are gorgeous but the dresses look so much more amazing in person.
I am really smitten with artsy and modern print fabric ranges at the moment!
Which one is your favourite?

Tuesday 26 April 2016

Kids + Sewing = ?

All of my children have gotten rather excited and enthused about using the sewing machine over the school holidays. I have let all of them except Miss 3 have a turn or two. Miss 3 would love to have a go on the sewing machine but I'm encouraging her to sort cotton spools and put pins into fabric! She can't do as much damage to herself with a pin as she could with a fast moving sewing machine needle!
The bigger kids have all had a blast and have been doing some applique and freehand stitching. I basically let them do whatever they wanted. Miss 9 got quite creative and made a couple of blocks with applique and stitching. Master 10 enjoyed freehand sewing and made everyone a block with their names on it. Master 5, well, he managed to do the fastest, craziest sewing out of all of them. He also managed to get the bobbin thread all caught up and caused a rather large tangle of threads. Lucky the Mr is great at fixing stuff!
(Master 5 and his Speedy Gonzalez approach!)

Let The Creating Begin!

The internet is definitely my friend. There are so many gorgeous fabric designs available. I live just under an hour from my closest town and there isn't a fabric shop there. The next closest town is an hour in the other direction. There is a fabric shop there and I do certainly grab what I can there to support my local community. I certainly cannot access most of the styles and designs that I am looking for there though. That is when the internet becomes such a valuable asset!
This is my latest stack of fabrics. Lots of Art Gallery, Cotton+Steel, Amy Butler, Joel Dewberry and a few others in there too!

It's time to start creating! I have finished two gorgeous little size one dresses. Once I've managed to take some proper photos of them I'll be sure to come back and share them here.
An almost local (just under 2 hours drive from me!) new boutique store is opening in late May and I am really excited to let you know that I will be selling lots of things there! Firstly I'll be starting with two different styles of dresses and slowly building up my range. I still plan on being able to sell products from my Etsy store also. But firstly I will be concentrating on getting enough stock available for this gorgeous new boutique!